Fishing News

153 posts

Sage Fly Rods and Making It in the USA

Patriotic Lure

Sage is not moving. Based on Bainbridge Island, Washington, Sage manufactures all of its fly rods right there and plans to continue doing so. Seems like some recent scuttlebutt over the company possibly moving is now quashed. “I don’t ever see us leaving Bainbridge,” said Sage’s president, Travis Campbell. “At the end of the day, I think we can make a better product here.” Another reason he cites: “[T]o protect our intellectual property. If we took (Sage) to China, everybody would very quickly know our magic. Here, we can keep our secrets.”

As I wrote a few weeks ago, the fly fishing industry manufactures its stuff mostly right here in the USA, especially the high and mid level gear, but even a lot of the lower priced quality stuff is done domestically. See Scott and St. Croix, for example. It will be interesting to see if this serves as a model for other industries of if we’ll instead sadly remember this as the shadow of the once thriving U.S. manufacturing base.

Virginia Trout Stocking Schedule February 11 2011

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

Whoah, Nellie. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has been busy this week.

Albemarle Co.
Moormans River (N. Fork) (02/10)
Moormans River (S. Fork) (02/10)
Sugar Hollow Reservoir (02/10)
Alleghany Co.
Pounding Mill Creek (02/07)
Amherst Co.
Davis Mill Creek (02/07)
Pedlar River (Upper) (02/07)
Bath Co.
Back Creek (02/08)
Botetourt Co.
Roaring Run (02/10)
Buchanan Co.
Dismal River (02/09)
Carroll Co.
Crooked Creek (02/08)
Little Reed Island Creek (02/08)
Frederick Co.
Paddy Run (02/11)
Giles Co.
Big Stoney Creek (02/08)
Grayson Co.
Helton Creek (02/07)
Highland Co.
S. Br. Potomac River (02/10)
Page Co.
Cub Run (02/11)
Patrick Co.
Dan River (Below Powerhouse) (02/09)
Roanoke Co.
Glade Creek (02/11)
Tinker Creek (02/11)
Rockingham Co.
North Fork Shenandoah River (02/09)
Shenandoah Co.
Passage Creek (02/08)
Peters Mill Creek (02/08)
Tomahawk Pond (02/07)
Smyth Co.
Middle Fork Holston River (Upper) (02/08)
Washington Co.
Tennessee Laurel (02/11)
Whitetop Laurel (Lower) (02/11)
Whitetop Laurel (Upper) (02/07 & 02/11)

Virginia Trout Stocking Schedule February 2 2011

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

In Madison County, both the lower Hughes and Rose Rivers have been stocked this week. With a little warmer weather and some uneducated fish, might be worth a trip. You could hit both in a day.

Amherst Co.
Rocky Row Run (02/02)
Bath Co.
Pads Creek (02/02)
Wilson Creek (02/01)
Henry Co.
Smith River (Lower) (02/02)
Madison Co.
Hughes River (02/01)
Rose River (02/01)
Patrick Co.
Rockcastle Creek(02/02)
Scott Co.
Stock Creek (02/02)
Wise Co.
Middle Fork Powell River (02/02)

Coming Soon – Lots of Fishy Stuff

Perch Waiting Around
What are you all looking at?

Yes, things have slowed way down here at the Brook Trout Fishing Guide, the only website that purports to promote fly fishing for brook trout above all else that is interesting, wholesome and good. Is that really true? Quite possibly, no. Nevertheless, the lord of this website, yours truly, has been slammed with a lot of work that pays the bills as well as a lot of work that does not. The latter would include shoveling wet snow literally for days last week, keeping the house warm by keeping the generator running after we lost power, and generally just trying to pull out of the funk that is the dead of a cold, gray winter. But this will all soon change.

In the pipe are some new reviews, including a couple fly rods, a fishing pack/vest and some new hippers I just received. I’m also going to cover where to go, what to wear and how to fool those little fish in our little backwoods streams. And fly tying. I’ve got fur, feathers and dubbing coming out the wazoo now, and have made some of it into mostly bad looking flies, but some not too bad at all. And I need to give you beautiful photos. Lots of ’em.

So bear with me as I retool for the coming season. I see the groundhog did not see his shadow today, so winter should hopefully be dying a quick death around here, the waters warming up and the crocus and daffodils getting ready to sprout. Can’t wait.

Finding Wild Trout Streams


Virginia Trout Streams
Where the Trout Are

Wild Trout Streams is a site that provides maps and geographical data (primarily KML files that you can download and use in Google Earth) showing wild trout streams throughout the east coast. This looks like a great resource.

I’ve been checking out the site for wild trout streams in Virginia, which has a lot of information including PDF and JPG format species maps, topo maps and data sets for a ton of places in the state. Shenandoah National Park is covered here, as well as stream flows and other data for the entire state.

This is definitely a good starting point if you’re keen on exploring streams off the beaten path. The main map on the Virginia page (shown in this post) shows bright green lines for known brook trout populations, courtesy of data from the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture, which you can also see using the EBTJV interactive map or on the Geospatial Data Search and Access page of the EBTJV website.

In addition to the green lines for brook trout streams, the map shows brownish lines for brown trout and pink lines for rainbows. There are separate KML files for brook, brown and rainbow trout streams in Virginia. Just looking at the map (click on it to see it larger) it is obvious that brook trout populations are concentrated on the Blue Ridge around Skyline Drive and The Blue Ridge Parkway, as well as on the western side of the Shenandoah Valley, along Great North Mountain and eastern West Virginia.

I see places I’ve always suspected brookies may inhabit and that seems to now merit some trips! Hopefully this data is recent and good enough to still be reasonably accurate. Brook trout fishing is right around the corner and I am going to track down a couple of these spots in addition to hitting the places I already know and love. I can’t wait.

Virginia Trout Stocking Schedule January 7 2011

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

Happy New Year! Those of you near the cities have some fresh fish right now. Cook Lake in Alexandria, Old Cossey Pond in Fredericksburg, Locust Shade Park in Prince William County and Dorey Park Lake in Henrico County were just stocked this week. Locust Shade Park has rainbows and brown trout. Click on one of the links above, and get out there.

Albemarle Co.
Moormans River (N. Fork) (01/06)
Moormans River (S. Fork) (01/06)
Sugar Hollow Reservoir (01/06)
Alexandria (City of)
Cook Lake (01/05)
Amherst Co.
Piney River (South Fork & Proper) (01/03)
Bath Co.
Cowpasture River (01/03)
Buchanan Co.
Dismal River (01/03)
Dickenson Co.
Cranesnest River (01/05)
Pound River (Flannagan Dam) (01/05)
Russell Fork River (Bartlick) (01/05)
Fredericksburg (City of)
Old Cossey Pond (01/05)
Grayson Co.
Fox Creek (01/04)
Middle Fox Creek (01/04)
Henrico Co.
Dorey Park Lake (01/04)
Page Co.
Hawksbill Creek (01/06)
Prince William Co.
Locust Shade Park (01/05)
Richmond (City of)
Shield Lake (01/04)
Roanoke Co.
Roanoke River (Salem) (01/05)
Rockbridge Co.
Irish Creek (01/05)
Russell Co.
Big Cedar Creek (01/06)
Washington Co.
Big Tumbling Creek (01/06)

Field & Stream Predicts Small Stream Fishing Trend in 2011

Field & Stream

Field & Stream just published an article about fishing trends for 2011. They predict that the rod wars are back, a move away from niche marketing by the tackle manufacturers and a renewed interest in small stream fishing.

We’ve got you covered for that last topic.

I must admit, though, that the thought of small stream fishing becoming more popular is troubling. The last thing I want to see when I head out to remote streams are throngs of people romping around looking for fishy places to prowl. Selfish, I know, but isn’t the escape and solitude a major part of the appeal of small stream fly fishing? The good news is I don’t think this trend will be large enough to actually qualify as a “trend.” Small stream fly fishing still takes a lot of effort and the reward of tiny fish is still lost on most anglers. I’m not sure that is going to ever change.

Building a renewed awareness of small streams, especially from the conservation angle, would be a good thing. Hopefully any trend towards small stream fishing will at least result in a greater awareness and effort to conserve these wild places, if not everyone piling onto every little creek out there.

The article also mentions that Tom Rosenbauer will be releasing a new book on small stream fly fishing in April, 2011. I definitely look forward to that. I am a regular listener of the Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast and just got his Orvis Fly Tying Guide for Christmas, both wonderful resources from a guy who knows quite a bit.

Results of the University of Virginia Trout Stream Sensitivity Study

Happy little brook trout in clean water
Happy little brook trout in clean water

The results of the long term Virginia Trout Stream Sensitivity Study indicate that trout streams in Virginia are recovering from the effects of acidification, “though not as fast or as thoroughly as waters in some other parts of the country.” The increase in water quality between 2000 and 2010 was significant and much better than the small increase in quality from 1987 to 2000.

While that is very good news, Rick Webb, the project’s coordinator, warns that the improvement is still very relative. “Things have not fully recovered by any means,” said Webb. “Many of the streams that have been most impacted are likely not ever to recover, at least in a human time frame.”

It is interesting to note that amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1990 implemented a cap and trade system for sulfur dioxide emissions, the primary cause of acid rain and stream acidification. This program phased in the emissions targets gradually since 1990, and is credited with reducing S02 emissions by one third.

Read more at the VTSSS website and its partner site, The Shenandoah Watershed Study.