I have not yet cast one of the new Scott F2 fiberglass fly rods ($595) but that should be remedied soon, with a full report. The 703/3 looks like it may be just the ticket for small stream brook trout fishing. A seven footer in 3 weight is just about right for the streams and for my taste.
This would be a completely new thing for me. I’ve never cast a glass rod. I’m also not sure I’m sold on a couple of things. The first is the color. I’m recalling what a time I had this past summer sneaking up on brookies with the extremely low water wearing muted colors and waving a dark olive colored stick around. This thing is at least burnt- if not bright-orange. Just wondering what that’s gonna do to the fish. The second thing is the lack of versatility. Although I’m almost exclusively (no, make that 100% exclusively, come to think of it) throwing dry flies at brookies, this would seem perfect for that but maybe nothing else. From what little I’ve read, flies with a little weight may not be such a great experience with this thing. On the other hand, what the heck would I be doing with a short three weighter if that were my game? So I can probably exclude that as a serious drawback . The third thing, though, is that there are a lot of great carbon fiber or graphite (or whatever label they’re given these days) rods for the same price that might be better all arounders, better in the wind, better for getting a really accurate placement, etc. The Scott G2 may be one, or maybe even a little Scott A3, which I see they make in a 7 foot three weight (and for a little more than half the price of the F2). I have fished with a G2, for just a few hours on the Rapidan River, and I liked it. Another rod I’ve tried and liked even better for brook trout fishing is the Murrays Mountain Trout Rod, a 6’10” 3 weight which is actually made by Scott.
There are a whole lot of great rods in this size.The Sage TXL-F looks like another great seven foot three weight. I absolutely love my Sage FLi five weight, since superseded by the Sage Flight, which I got as a complete kit on closeout, one of the best deals I’ve gotten on a fly rod. Of course, the FLi is almost that same orange color as the Scott F2, maybe a little toned down compared to it, but the fish don’t go running when I’m doing it right.
Yeah, I know there are lots of others I’m leaving out. I still like my LL Bean Streamlight 6’11” 4 weight fly rod, even though it’s only a two piece rod and I sometimes need to hunt a bit for accurate casts with it. For $99, though, pretty nice. My well-informed review of that rod is to follow in the very near future. So now that I’m really off-topic, we’re done here. I will cast an F2 and get back to you…
4 thoughts on “Gimme Some Glass – Scott F2 Fly Rod”
I don’ know about the 7′ f2 ,butt i have been fishing the f2 653 and it will handle some weight with no problem.I fish alot of dry dropper combo’s and it handles 15″ cutts with ease.Very easy caster and versatile rod….aurelio
I got a 2 wt F2 earlier this year and tried it on a very small creek. I could cast about 25 or 30 ft with it with no problem and could throw weighted flies and a big stimulator with no problem. I do not you will have a problem with figerglass. The wind was blowing about 10 to 15 mph and I could cast into it with not much of a problem. I did not always hit the water, but that happens no matter what I am using and whether there is a wind or not, the widest part of the creek is about 3 ft wide. It is extremely fun to catch fish on this rod and I personally like it.
I have a Winston B11T 3 weight and love that also. It is a very difficult choice which to use if that gives you some perspective on the F2. All of us like different types of rods so I would never recommend one to someone else, but I like it and use it.
Thanks for the info, Tom. I recently picked up a used Winston WT 7 foot 3 weight and I love it. Might be somewhat similar to your BIIT (which I’ve never tried), not a fast rod but feels great, casts dry flies very accurately and delicately. I’m still lusting after an F2 but cannot justify buying one right now. If I did, I’d probably sit there staring at both of these rods trying to decide which one to take that day.
Hey Tom, I played with one of these in Murray’s fly shop in Edinburg today. I have to admit I was totally hooked. I own five other 3 wt’s (Sage, Redington, Orvis, Cabela’s, LL Bean) and I would give Harry all five in trade for one of these if he would take them. I just loved the feel, it seemed perfectly suited for small stream fishing to me. Ebay, here I come, I’ve got some selling to do because I’ve just met my match.