Yearly Archives: 2011

112 posts

The Davy Knot


Davy Knot

A new knot for me to try, the Davy knot. The claim is that it is not only very simple and quick to tie but is among the best knots for breaking strength and wastes very little tippet.

We all get habitual about our knots. You learn two or three knots well and those are the ones you use forever. I’ve tried to learn new knots regularly, but usually they are more complicated than the ones I already know (the improved clinch knot, blood knot, nail and needle knots, surgeon’s loop and perfection loop are my go-to knots) and are usually for more specialized situations. But the Davy knot is worth a good look. I’m certainly willing to try it on small dry flies for brook trout. If I get some confidence with it then the next step is to try it on flies for larger fish on which I’m much warier conducting experiments.

Maryland Trout Stocking Schedule May 27 2011

Maryland has stocked fish in sections of the North Branch of the Potomac and the Youghiogheny.

No one in the world not from that area can spell Youghiogheny, and if they could, they couldn’t pronounce it (“yock ah gain ee,” in case you needed that).



Garrett North Branch Potomac River at Barnum May 23 GO >
Garrett North Branch Potomac River at Westernport May 23 GO >
Garrett Youghiogheny River at Friendsville May 19 GO >
Garrett Youghiogheny River, Oakland Area May 19 GO >

Virginia Trout Stocking Schedule May 27 2011

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

The water levels are dropping from muddy and raging to fishable on all the rivers around here. Even the Shenandoah is clearing up, finally. I stopped by Passage Creek last weekend and it was wild. I even saw two whitewater kayakers putting in at Rt. 55, downstream of where the fish are stocked, but they could have easily run the sections upstream. Looks like they just stocked Passage Creek this week, so might be worth checking out.

The fish stocking in Virginia will soon be slowing down for the summertime.

Albemarle Co.
Mint Springs Lake (Middle) (05/21)
Mint Springs Lake (Upper) (05/21)
Augusta Co.
Braley Pond (05/24)
Hearthstone Lake (05/24)
Bath Co.
Back Creek (05/25)
Cowpasture River (05/23)
Giles Co.
Big Stoney Creek (05/26)
Wolf Creek (05/21)
Madison Co.
Robinson River (05/23)
Roanoke Co.
Roanoke River (City) (05/24)
Roanoke River (Salem) (05/24)
Shenandoah Co.
Passage Creek (05/26)
Smyth Co.
Middle Fork Holston River (Marion-Chilhowie) (05/21)
Staley Creek (05/21)
Tazewell Co.
Lake Witten (05/26)
Washington Co.
Beartree Lake (05/26)
Big Brumley Creek (05/24)
Big Tumbling Creek (05/24)
Wise Co.
Middle Fork Powell River (05/23)
South Fork Powell River (05/23)
Wythe Co.
Cripple Creek (Rt. 94) (05/25)
Rural Retreat Lake Pond (05/21)
Guillion Fork Ponds (05/24)

Gotta Love Bluegills

Fishing Pond

Close enough to summertime for me — throwing micro poppers at bluegills on a quiet pond near home.

I brought my seven weight rod tonight looking for a shot at some of the catfish, bass or big crappie that prowl this water. I saw a couple catfish but had no takes with a bead head grizzly woolly bugger then a black rubber legged bugger. Broke out the poppers, though, and I ended up getting a mess of bluegills once the sun went down. They hit the black micro popper, over and over and over.

A seven weight rod for bluegill, like I’m some sort of fishing terrorist. Like a howitzer for shooting squirrels. Like a — doesn’t matter. Just makes you grin.

Gotta love bluegills!

Bluegill from the pond
Bluegill #2 on the pond

Brook Trout Fishing Report, Cedar Run, Shenandoah National Park

Cedar Run in Shenandoah National Park is a tough stream in the section above the falls. It is very steep, boulder-strewn pocket water with the thing fish love and anglers hate — tight cover. There are definitely brook trout here but presenting a fly to them is a major challenge.


Cedar Run Brook Trout
The day's lone victim.
Location Cedar Run, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
Date Sunday 22-May-2011
Weather Humid, 80 degrees, mostly cloudy.
Water Mid-50’s temperature, medium high flow.
Terrain Steep, rocky, muddy from recent rains; tight cover.
Distance Covered 3.5 miles, 3100 feet elevation change round trip.
Tackle Used Winston WT 7 foot 3 weight, double taper line, 9 foot leader, Mr. Rapidan size 16 and an Irresistible size 12.
Fishing Results Poor. Three brook trout hooked, one landed (about six inches).
Best Part of the Trip Barbless hooks pull out of fingers easily.
Freakiest Encounter Millipedes crawling around everywhere.


I feel like I was over-gunned pitching dries with a seven foot three weight on Cedar Run. A six foot or even shorter two weight (or lighter) is probably ideal for this stream. I was bow and arrow casting into a lot of the tight spots. When you’re casting like that, the stream is kicking your butt. I think had shots for fish in places I could not cast to — logs and low foliage all over this stream — but a lot of those places were difficult even for unconventional casting. On the other hand, there are quite a few deep pools. I could have tried nymphing some of them but many had very visible and sandy bottoms and were right next to the heavily used trail. I did fish a few deeper pools (with no luck) but the ones near the trail I passed by with my dry fly rigged up.

Cedar Run Water

For some reason, whether due to natural barriers or thin water, there is always a line on every stream above which you find no fish. You usually realize you’ve found this line after you’re well past it, because you stop catching anything. Sometimes you never find the line, maybe because it’s getting dark, or you started too far downstream and you eventually have to head home. I have gone pretty far up many streams and not found this line when I expected to, and that’s a pretty cool discovery. But it’s always there, and if you keep going you will cross it and the action will cease. There should be a name for this place where the fish stop living. Maybe there already is, but this seems easy — the “fish line.” Like the tree line in alpine environments, fish are not found above it. Unlike the tree line, fish could still live above the fish line if they were put there and given the chance. Sometimes you find the fish line and it comes much earlier than you expect. You might think you’ve just run into some poor pools, so you keep trying the next one and the next. At some point, you grudgingly realize it’s not you. It’s the fish line. Your casting hasn’t fallen apart and no other flies are going to work. You’ve reached the line. You’re done.

I found the fish line on Cedar Run earlier than I expected. In between the falls where the trail crosses the river and the line, I managed to hook three fish, losing two — a single fish away from a skunking. There is always one fish that cooperates on days like today, and these are the worst days for me in this park if you measure them by the numbers. The only times I’ve come here and caught nothing were in both cases (I’m pretty sure) because there were no fish. The first time, on Indian Run, I am convinced I was above the fish line which was probably outside the park boundary on private property. Had to be the case. The other time, on Overall Run, I still think it was because there are no fish in that stream. I will race down to either of those streams if I find I was mistaken. For now, I’m convinced.


I did hook a good sized brookie in one pool on Cedar Run. Hooked him twice, in fact, but failed to get him. I know he was much bigger than normal because of the tug on the 3 weight rod. That may have been the best and the worst part of the day. I gave the pool a rest and returned but he was not having any of it. And that was the last fish I tangled with all day. He was at the fish line.

One thing I was not expecting was the huge amount of millipedes. Supposedly nocturnal, the North American millipede (narceus americanus) was crawling all over every dead tree trunk and rock. They were everywhere! In one spot I had pulled myself up by grabbing onto a large dead log and had forgotten that best practice of hiking and climbing — look at what you’re pawing before you grab it. Gladly I did not mash one of these guys, who can secrete some junk that can irritate your skin and cause temporary discoloration at the affected spot. Not as bad as I had thought before I got home and read about them — I was thinking it could have been certain death by their highly venomous mandibles. Not to worry, that is quite untrue.

Cedar Run Track

If I get back to Cedar Run I will try from the bottom. When the water comes down that could be the better end of this stream. In the meantime, there are lots of other places and I think better streams in the park. But if you want a challenge and don’t mind demonstrating some fly fishing to the many hikers who use the trail, Cedar Run is worth checking out.


Maryland Trout Stocking Schedule May 19 2011

Way out in western Maryland, fish have been stocked, including the Savage River and streams in Allegany County.

The Savage River has a great population of wild brook and brown trout, possibly some of the best populations of both in the entire state. This includes fly fishing only and artificial lures only sections of the Trophy Trout Management Area. Stocking of hatchery trout in the Savage River tailwater was discontinued “after 1990.” So if you go, you might actually want to hit the real thing after you’ve fished the reservoir.

View MD Garrett Co Trout Management Areas in a larger map

NOTE: Remember, the ban on felt soled wading boots is now in effect in Maryland.


Garrett Savage Reservoir May 18 GO >
Allegany Wills Creek May 18 GO >
Allegany Evitts Creek May 17 GO >
Allegany Fifteen Mile Creek May 17 GO >
Allegany Fifteen Mile Creek May 16 GO >

Virginia Trout Stocking Schedule May 19 2011

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

Springtime, and the trout stocking is still going strong in Virginia.

The Dismal River, in Buchanan County, Virginia. It’s a Category A trout stream, meaning it’s stocked eight times between October and May. Hope it’s not as bad as its name. At least it is off limits to “snagging, grabbing, snaring, gigging and the use of a striking iron… to take non-game fish,” in case you were planning any of that.


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Amherst Co.
Pedlar River (Lower) (05/17)
Augusta Co.
Elkhorn Lake (05/17)
South River (Ridgeview Park) (05/19)
Bath Co.
Jackson River (Rt. 623) (05/18)
Buchanan Co.
Dismal River (05/13 after 4 p.m.)
Carroll Co.
Crooked Creek (05/16)
Little Reed Island Creek (05/16)
Craig Co.
Barbours Creek (05/14)
Fauquier Co.
Thompson WMA Pond (05/19)
Floyd Co.
Little River (05/14)
Grayson Co.
Elk Creek (05/14)
Henry Co.
Smith River (Lower) (05/18)
Page Co.
Hawksbill Creek (05/19)
Patrick Co.
Dan River (Below Powerhouse) (05/18)
Pulaski Co.
Peak Creek (05/17)
Roanoke Co.
Glade Creek (05/17)
Tinker Creek (05/17)
Rockingham Co.
Briery Branch Lake (05/18)
Hone Quarry Lake (05/18)
South River (Grottoes) (05/19)
Smyth Co.
South Fork Holston River (Lower) (05/14)
Tazewell Co.
Lincolnshire Lake (05/17)
Washington Co.
Beartree Lake (05/13 after 4 p.m.)
Beartree Lake (05/17)

Two New Streams Added to Virginia’s Catchable Trout Stocking Program

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has added two new streams to its trout stocking program, the South Fork of the Powell River near Big Stone Gap, VA and the Middle Fork of the Holston River in Chilhowie, VA.

“A 2.3 mile section of the South Fork Powell River in the Town of Big Stone Gap and a 0.75 mile section of the Middle Fork Holston River in Chilhowie have been added to this very popular program. Included in the program are those waters that are posted as “Stocked Trout Waters” and are stocked with catchable-sized trout from October through May each year. Designated stocked trout waters are listed by the Director of the Department in the annual Trout Stocking Plan published in the “2011 Freshwater Fishing in Virginia” regulations pamphlet on pages 20 – 21.

This modification to the trout stocking plan will be effective with the formal posting of regulations on the new streams. “We are very excited about this great opportunity for anglers in Wise and Smyth Counties,” stated Bill Kittrell, Regional Aquatic Manager in the Department’s Marion Regional Office. “It has taken a considerable amount of work on the part of both the Town officials as well as Department staff to bring this about,” Kittrell explained. Officials from both the Town of Big Stone Gap and the Town of Chilhowie have presented the Department with formal resolutions supporting the concept. “In both cases, the Towns own large tracts of land adjacent to the streams, and access for the public is excellent,” Kittrell continued. These waters will only be considered designated stocked trout waters from October 1 through June 15, and a trout license will be required to fish in addition to the regular fishing license. A trout license is not required from June 16 through September 30. Trout angling hours on designated stocked trout waters are from 5:00 a.m. until one hour after sunset.”

Maryland Trout Stocking Schedule May 13 2011

NEW — In our quest for total world domination, the Brook Trout Fishing Guide is now posting Maryland’s trout stocking information each week. In addition to Virginia’s trout stocking info, this brings the total number of states we cover to… two. At this rate, we will cover every state that stocks fish (including Hawaii even though only on Kauai can you find trout) and become your one-stop resource for stocker fishing in about twenty five years. Thanks for being, uh, VERY patient.


Garrett Savage River May 12 GO >
Garrett Bear Creek May 12 GO >
Washington Antietam Creek – Bonus Stocking May 12 GO >
Frederick Friends Creek May 12 GO >
Frederick Owens Creek May 12 GO >
Washington Antietam Creek May 11 GO >
Garrett North Branch Potomac River, Delayed Harvest Section May 11 GO >
Washington Sidling Hill Creek May 11 GO >
Frederick Fishing Creek May 11 GO >
Frederick Friends Creek May 11 GO >
Frederick Owens Creek May 11 GO >
Allegany Evitts Creek May 10 GO >
Allegany Jennings Run May 10 GO >
Frederick Middle Creek – Bonus Stocking May 10 GO >
Baltimore Gunpowder Falls Upper Section May 10 GO >
Baltimore Little Falls May 10 GO >
Garrett North Branch Potomac River at Barnum May 9 GO >
Garrett North Branch Potomac River at Westernport May 9 GO >


Virginia Trout Stocking Schedule May 13 2011

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

A slightly smaller list of rivers stocked this past week in Virginia.

I often drive past Happy Creek in Front Royal on my way to fish in Shenandoah National Park. Right in the middle of town, looks like it would be a great place to take a kid fishing. I would guess this is most definitely put-and-take, and take all. Let’s see, it was stocked on May 10… might be too late.


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Albemarle Co.
Moormans River (North Fork) (05/10)
Sugar Hollow Reservoir (05/10)
Alleghany Co.
Clifton Forge Reservoir (05/11)
Pounding Mill Creek (05/11)
Augusta Co.
Back Creek (05/12)
Hearthstone Lake (05/11)
Lower Sherando Lake (05/12)
Bland Co.
Laurel Fork Creek (05/07)
Lick Creek (05/10)
Bedford Co.
Liberty Lake (05/12)
Botetourt Co.
Jennings Creek (05/11)
Dickenson Co.
Cranesnest River (05/11)
Russell Fork River (Bartlick) (05/11)
Russell Fork River (Haysi) (05/11)
Pound River (Flannagan Dam) (05/06 after 4 p.m.)
Floyd Co.
Goose Creek (05/09)
Frederick Co.
Paddy Run (05/09)
Grayson Co.
Big Wilson Creek (05/06 after 4 p.m.)
Hales Lake (05/10)
Highland Co.
Bullpasture River (05/07)
Lee Co.
Martins Creek (05/10)
North Fork Powell River (05/10)
Madison Co.
Hughes River (05/11)
Rose River (05/11)
Montgomery Co.
Pandapas Pond (05/07)
Craig Creek (05/10)
Page Co.
Cub Run (05/09)
Rockbridge Co.
Irish Creek (05/09)
South River (05/12)
Rockingham Co.
Silver Lake (05/10)
Slate Lick Lake (05/10)
Slate Lick Run (05/10)
Scott Co.
Stock Creek (05/10)
Smyth Co.
South Fork Holston River (Buller Dam) (05/12)
Tazewell Co.
Lake Witten (05/07)
Little Tumbling Creek (05/09)
Warren Co.
Happy Creek (05/10)
Washington Co.
Big Tumbling Creek (05/09)
Wythe Co.
Cripple Creek (Ravens) (05/09)
Cripple Creek (Rt. 94) (05/12)