I missed this a couple weeks ago — a great shot of a small native brook trout in Vermont from Orvis News.
Brook trout. Nothing like ’em.
I missed this a couple weeks ago — a great shot of a small native brook trout in Vermont from Orvis News.
Brook trout. Nothing like ’em.
Via the Pierce County Herald, a success story about thriving brook trout in the restored Pine Creek in Wisconsin.
I love reading stores like this.
Apparently, through a vulnerability on either the WordPress platform or in the theme used on this site, the Brook Trout Fishing Guide was hacked. Certain pages were redirecting to a nefarious site that attempted to download and install malware. This problem is now fixed and I apologize for anyone who may have been targeted. Insert long winded rant about malware and hackers here, your rant or mine, but the bottom line is this is part of life on the internet.
Fortunately, Google and the major browser vendors try to warn you if you attempt to hit a site that is a known distributor of malware, and many anti-virus packages for PCs hook into your browser to provide similar warnings. Hopefully you all run such software.
Now, back to life as we knew it.