Daily Archives: June 10, 2011

1 post

Fontinalis Rising: Sixteen Inch Brook Trout

Sixteen Inch Brook Trout
Fontanalis Rising - A biggie.

I think he lives in Michigan, but almost no matter where you go a sixteen inch brook trout is worth a dance. He did note:

If you’re new to fishing or haven’t fished for brook trout, a 16 inch brook trout is a big deal.  It may not sound big, but the average brookie, especially in small streams, is about 6-8 inches.  Ten is a nice fish, 12″ is big, 14″ rare and makes your season- 16 inches, in a small stream?  Lifetime.  It’s roughly equivalent to a 24 inch brown.  There’s bigger fish out there, but not many, and there’s only a handful of areas, usually remote, such as Labrador, northern Quebec and Ontario that regularly produce fish bigger than that.  Thus my excitement.