More fish stocked for your laid back angling pleasure and copied below.
A couple good brook trout streams were stocked well downstream of where the brookies are, the Robinson and Hawksbill. And several streams near all those chicken farms in Rockingham county were loaded up. Water levels should be sky high, given the massive rain we had last weekend and judging by what the Shenandoah River looks like near my home as recently as this afternoon. Be careful out there if you’re planning on wading and the water looks higher than what you’re used to.
- Albemarle Co.
- Mint Springs Lake (Upper) (04/18)
- Mint Springs Lake (Lower) (04/18)
- Moormans River (N. Fork) (04/20)
- Sugar Hollow Reservoir (04/20)
- Alleghany Co.
- Pounding Mill Creek (04/18)
- Smith Creek (04/18)
- Augusta Co.
- Back Creek (04/18)
- Mills Creek (04/18)
- Bath Co.
- Cowpasture River (04/20)
- Pads Creek (04/21)
- Bland Co.
- Wolf Creek (04/21)
- Botetourt Co.
- Jennings Creek (04/18)
- Buchanan Co.
- Dismal River (04/18)
- Floyd Co.
- Burkes Fork (04/20)
- Goose Creek (04/16)
- Little River (04/20)
- West Fork Little River (04/19)
- Giles Co.
- Big Stony Creek (04/21)
- Grayson Co.
- Big Wilson Creek (04/19)
- Hales Lake (04/20)
- Henry Co.
- Smith River (Lower) (04/20)
- Lee Co.
- Martins Creek (04/20)
- North Fork Powell River (04/20)
- Madison Co.
- Robinson River (04/21)
- Montgomery Co.
- Toms Creek (04/16)
- Page Co.
- Hawksbill Creek (04/19)
- Patrick Co.
- Dan River (above Talbott) (04/19)
- Poorhouse Creek (04/21)
- South Mayo River (North Fork) (04/21)
- South Mayo River (South Fork) (04/21)
- Rockingham Co.
- Briery Branch Lake (04/21)
- Dry River (04/20)
- Hone Quarry Lake (04/21)
- Hone Quarry Run (04/21)
- Silver Lake (04/16)
- German River (04/19)
- North Fork Shenandoah River (04/19)
- Shenandoah Co.
- Peters Mill Creek (04/20)
- Stony Creek (04/20)
- Smyth Co.
- Comers Creek (04/18)
- Cressy Creek (04/18)
- Dickey Creek (04/18)
- Hurricane Creek (04/18)
- South Fork Holston River (Buller Dam) (04/18)
- South Fork Holston River (Lower) (04/16)
- Tazewell Co.
- Lake Witten (04/18)
- Washington Co.
- Beartree Lake (04/21)
- Straight Branch (04/21)
- Tennessee Laurel (04/21)
- Wythe Co.
- Cripple Creek (Rt. 94) (04/16)