Tenkara USA has an interesting post on sinking a fly. I like their keep-it-simple philosophy, no shot and no weighted flies. Sort of nymphing with a wet fly. That would certainly be good in a lot of situations. Another tip to keep in the back of the cluttered mind.
Brook Trout, Secret Spot in the Poconos, Pennsylvania
Where I live, I can leave the house and be fly fishing for brook trout in as little as two hours. For me, this takes some planning. Sometimes I get the pack loaded and the gear sorted the night before, but even when I think everything is ready I’m still running around grabbing this and that when I should be leaving. As I am not one to plan anything unless forced to, it’s amazing that I ever get out there. It goes against my natural tendency to wing it. For brook trout fishing, though, I do it.
Last week I posted what I have thought of as the “Thursday or Friday” fish stocking schedule. Maybe that’s because those are always the days I check the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries website. It’s clear that that this can actually be posted on the website just about any day of the week. Ooops and doh!
Arsenic in poultry. I had no idea arsenic was added to chicken feed to treat intestinal illnesses. The gist of the article is that this stuff ends up not only in our own diet but in waterways and groundwater.
I’ve seen this on three blogs already this morning so it must be worth re-posting here. Bloodknot magazine has an interview with April Vokey, steelhead fisher-woman extraordinaire (steelhead have to be the anti-small stream brook trout).
I’m not sure what to think of this interview. I think it’s time to give the whole “you’re sexy and what about that?” thing a rest. This woman catches a lot of huge fish and makes a living doing this. Obviously she is credible and accomplished. Shouldn’t that be enough?